Hints and tips – pipeline

Topic Progress:

Week 1 Pipeline Reviews

This update is designed to help you prepare for your forthcoming pipeline review, which will happen in the first week of the month

What is this meeting for?

  • To assess your pipeline and ensure you can achieve your target
  • To offer coaching in managing opportunities effectively, looking at where to prioritise, deals that need further qualification and support
  • To review opportunities to assess and mitigate the risk to current month forecast
  • To ensure compliance with Insightly and best practice for opportunity management

What areas will we cover?

  • Target v Actual
  • Size -Pipeline coverage – Do you have enough to hit target?
  • Is it balanced- Sales stages and the number of opportunities?
  • Is it moving – What’s new, age of opportunities, sales cycle times?
  • Alignment – Coverage across product, clients & sales plan
  • Accuracy – Amount of changes, accurate stages
  • Conversion rates and averages
  • Large deals and close plans
  • Win/loss conversion rates

What information is required?

  • Full list of opportunities
  • Data to support the areas to be covered
  • Notes and actions from previous meeting

What is your responsibility?

  • Ensure your pipeline is accurate and updated regularly on Insightly
  • Come prepared
  • Ensure actions are documented and followed up

How will I know if this is having an impact?

The hygiene factors will give you a view of the general health of your pipeline. Other key metrics like win rates, time to close (sales cycle) and forecast accuracy will all benefit positively from this activity.

How often do I need to do this?

The meeting will be once a month for an hour. Throughout the month you need to ensure your pipeline is maintained and deals in the pipeline are at the most optimal state possible.

Taken all that in?