BrandVue Eating Out Competitor Analysis

Topic Progress:
  • Lack of depth (limited metrics)
  • Limited markets (Just UK)
  • Lacking depth and no daily tracking
  • They run a lot of events (Conferences)
  • Data Index tracks a lot of operators (700+)
  • Higher sample (72,000 annually)
  • They give daily news updates but can’t say what the results of these events are. BrandVue samples daily and provides instant answers so you can act before it is too late.
  • They have a menu tracker but this is only one aspect of CX. BrandVue has more metrics, which not only reveal what is happening but why it is happening and the effect.
  • MCA’s Data Index only compares competitors on a business level. BrandVue also includes audience profiling and lapsed customers so you can identify who you need to target and how.
  • Small sample (BT = 5,000 surveys quarterly)
  • Lack of depth (limited metrics)
  • Slower data delivery (4 weekly reports and no dashboard)
  • Tracks sales performance (also of competitors)
  • Research in pricing analysis
  • Popular with on-trade (strong drink tracking)
  • Broad insight into the sector (suppliers, retailers, producers & wholesale)
  • Savanta samples 60,000 consumers per year. CGA doesn’t have the same statistical accuracy. BrandVue digs deeper and gives a better understanding of your audience.
  • CGA tracks your business sales performance and that of your competitors. BrandVue also tracks consumers, providing you with key metrics on Customer Experience.
  • We work with you to design a report that suits your business. This means you can easily distribute digestible data to your whole org.
  • Outdated tools (stagnant on tech development)
  • Locked metrics & brands (Paywalls in place)
  • Lack of depth – only 16 metrics
  • High number of panellists (over 1m in the UK)
  • Thought leadership – constant content releases
  • Currency – Brand Rankings & Awards
  • Technological development of YouGov’s services is lacking – we can innovate fast.
  • Outdated tools which slow down efficiency – Savanta’s development of BrandVue is built around customer needs and is always evolving.
  • YouGov has built in paywalls for certain metrics and brands, which can cause unaccounted for costs. We provide an all-inclusive subscription.
  • YouGov does not have much depth of data – BrandVue has more metrics and can tell you what is happening but also why.

Taken all that in?