Finance Policies & Processes

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This section details some of our global finance policies and processes that you may need to access regularly to help in your role.   If you have any questions about any of these please contact the Finance team at [email protected].

Maconomy User Guides

Please find links to the following Maconomy User Guides:

Maconomy log-in process

Access via local Egnyte
Please copy and paste the following folder path: I:\Shared\Knowledge, Library and Templates\Finance Library\How To

Maconomy PO process

Access via local Egnyte
Please copy and paste the following folder path: I:\Shared\Knowledge, Library and Templates\Finance Library\How To


Expenses are entered and administered on Maconomy. No one likes expenses but in order to make the process easier please follow our process, the following documents should help:

Read expenses policy via local Egnyte
Please copy and paste the following folder path: I:\Shared\Knowledge, Library and Templates\Finance Library\Policies


Deadline is on third Monday of the month; we will send you reminders a few days before and a calendar invite for the submission date itself.


Project managers must approve expenses within 3 working days from submission. Responsibility for chasing approvals lies with the employee claiming the expense not the finance team; you will be sent calendar reminders to carry out approvals.


Finance team will check your expenses, and on occasion you may be asked to correct entries or provide additional information. In instances where additional information needs to be added to the claim, approval will need to be carried out again. To avoid delays please provide description of your expenses in following format:


Date / initial / service / destination/ reason i.e.:
12/03 BG rtn train Lon-Leeds to new client meeting – Tetley Brewery or 12/3/BG accommodation in Leeds 2 nights new client meeting


Date / initial / service / description / no of people attending i.e.: 13/03 BG monthly team lunch 5 people or 12/3 BG new client lunch (3) Tetley Brewery J Smith


Payment will be made on the last working day of the month.

Missed deadlines

Finance will accommodate where possible but please try to keep within the above timetable, as during busy periods it might not be feasible to process your claim outside of the regular pattern.


Please find our guide to administering respondent incentives here:

Access via local Egnyte
Please copy and paste the following folder path: I:\Shared\Knowledge, Library and Templates\Finance Library\Policies

Company credit card

To ensure any expenditure on company credit cards is managed the distribution of these is limited. Should you need to use a company credit card for any reason, for example administering gift voucher incentives, please refer to our credit card policy

Access via local Egnyte
Please copy and paste the following folder path: I:\Shared\Knowledge, Library and Templates\Finance Library\Policies

Taken all that in?