What it Means to be Part of Savanta

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“Our vision: To be the global go-to for better decision making. It’s bold, it’s brilliant and it’s gloriously simple to remember.

The world is crying out for a company that can help their people improve their decision making.

However, to truly live up to this vision will take a huge amount of work, passion and innovation.  A vision powered by the ideas we create, fuelled by the data we capture, and enhanced by the technology we develop.  All in partnership with our favourite people, our clients.  If we can change their futures, they in turn will change ours.”

Roger Perowne
Savanta CEO


“Savanta is about brilliant people coming together to do their best work for great clients.  We combine ideas, talent and technology to take on the world.”

Alistair Cunningham
Savanta CIO

Paul Bath

“Our motto of ‘make better decisions’ is a really powerful concept, particularly for the use of the word better. Better is a continuing search for improvement – it doesn’t just stop at good, or even great.

I truly believe each of us have always taken great pride and satisfaction in finding ways to make things better. Not just our decisions or those that we help clients make, but in every aspect of our activities.

It’s a common thread running alongside our core values and shared amongst a very diverse mix of people and personalities. Those values and passion for making things better bring us together, make our culture what it is and make the Savanta journey a very fulfilling one to be on with you.”

Paul Bath
Savanta COO

“Savanta provides us all with the resource, environment and culture to not only define our industry but also define ourselves. A unique opportunity to begin writing on a blank page and create a narrative many could only dream of.”

Lewis Reeves
Savanta CPO

“Savanta is about the quality of our thinking and our people. From audience access through intelligent data to research and consultancy, Savanta helps our clients deliver on the promise of better decision making. We’re able to do this because of our fantastic team and our consistent focus on applied and commercially better research solutions for clients.”

Dr. Nick Baker

“Savanta is as simple as it is complex:  An employee focused business that helps clients solve unique problems.  Our journey here brings together a group of smart people from all around the world with a simple message to “Make Better Decisions”.  To get there, working as a group with different backgrounds and skill sets will pave the way for Savanta to grow as a business and our employees as individuals.  The best colleagues work together, speak up and help foster a collaborative work environment and to me, that is what Savanta is all about.”

Vin De Robertis
Americas CEO

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