
Topic Progress:

Keeping you in the know

MarketVue gives financial services brands detailed insights into the behaviours, perceptions and experiences of business customers.

Comprehensive, reliable and with years of historical data, MarketVue is an essential management tool used by all major financial institutions.


Telephone Interviews


Full Uk Wide Coverage


Representative of businesses with up to 1Billion turnover

Overview of MarketVue Business Banking

  • Started in Q1 2010, so 9 years of historical trend data
  • Covers all sizes of businesses from new start-ups to large corporates with annual sales of £1bn.
  • common, core questionnaire is used for all sizes of business, allowing subscribers to segment and analyse the market based on any turnover bands they choose.
  • Two near-identical surveys are conducted, one in Great Britain and the other in Northern Ireland, in order to provide full UK-wide coverage.
  • The 16,000 telephone interviews are conducted evenly and continuously throughout the year– therefore findings are not distorted by one-off events affecting either individual banks or the sector as a whole.
  • Data is reported every quarter, enabling subscribers to keep a close eye on trends and respond quickly to both opportunities and threats.
  • Ability to segment and analyse the findings based on main bank, company turnover, sector, region, etc, AND by any other answer respondent businesses have given throughout the questionnaire.
  • Data is weighted to be representative of all UK businesses up to £1bn turnover – the programme is therefore ideal for sizing markets and market segments as well as providing percentage-based results.
  • Open-ended question re overall rating– literally 1000’s of verbatim comments
  • Highly cost-effective: Multiple subscribers reduce costs and the majority of the subscription zero-rated for VAT.
  • Bespoke subscriptions based on the particular data and size of business you’re interested in.
  • Four main types of user of our data…
    • All the major UK banking groups including Barclays, Bank of Scotland, HSBC, Lloyds, NatWest, RSB, Santander
    • Challenger banks and fintechs including Co-operative Bank, Danske Bank, Metro, TSB, Aldermore, Allied Irish Bank, Ulster Bank, Shawbrook, Atom Bank, Moneynetint, Investec, FairFX, ICICI Bank
    • Consulting firms including L.E.K., McKinsey, Frontier Economics
    • Regulators including The Financial Conduct Authority  and the Competition & Markets Authority (the latter were extensive users as part of their 2017 UK Banking Review), along with industry bodies such as UK Finance.

Insight provided

Using MarketVue provides clients with valuable insight, (examples below) to ensure they can make better strategic decisions about their business and be alerted to problems or threats that are happening in their industry and act on them.

  • Which banks are gaining/ losing market share?
  • Which banks are strongest/ weakest within specific business sectors and regions?
  • Why are the highest-rated banks achieving such good ratings?
  • What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of individual named banks?
  • Which specific factors (from over 50 measured) are most influential in driving (a) customer satisfaction overall, and (b) NPS?
  • Which bank delivery channels are becoming more/ less important to businesses over time – and at what rate?
  • Which types of businesses – and how many businesses – are most likely to:
  • Be using certain delivery channels, e.g. online or mobile banking
  • Be using certain financial products
  • Be either borrowing funds or holding business deposits
  • Be satisfied/ dissatisfied with their main bank
  • Be considering switching away from their current bank over the coming year
  • Be aware of specific, named banks
  • Consider using specific, named banks going forward

Taken all that in?